What is Digital Risk Protection (DRP)?

数字风险保护(DRP)是保护数字资产和品牌声誉免受外部威胁的过程. As more business operations embrace digital practices, the threats and attack surfaces that can be exploited by threat actors increase. DRP解决方案的前提是,组织可以利用威胁参与者的活动,在攻击发生之前识别攻击.

Indeed, the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency of the US Government (CISA) 是否说过,在私营部门运营的组织之间共享信息对于更全面地了解可能在组织内部和组织之间产生级联影响的横切和共享风险至关重要, sectors, and national critical functions (NCFs).

This is why it’s imperative to institute a DRP solution that can correlate multiple sources of telemetry; one that can scan the clear, deep, 暗网的潜在危险以及主动识别和研究恶意软件, phishing scams, and other threat actors.

能够建立一个解决方案,既可以连接这些不同的可疑活动来源,又可以帮助保护网络,这似乎是压倒性的. These days, however, 安全组织别无选择,只能尝试这样做——然后进一步推动风险缓解和威胁情报策略,继续领先于攻击者一步.

How Does Digital Risk Protection Work? 

DRP works by leveraging insights derived from Cyber Threat Intelligence (CTI) monitoring to highlight actionable and specific protections. CTI监控使用来自多个来源的数据来构建威胁环境的快照. 这可以识别针对组织的新威胁,并允许在攻击发生之前进行主动缓解.

DRP platforms use intelligent algorithms plus multiple reconnaissance methods to find, track, and analyze threats in real time. Using both indicators of compromise (IOCs) and indicators of attack (IOAs) intelligence, DRP解决方案可以分析风险,并警告安全团队潜在的或即将发生的攻击.

DRP系统的数据处理和分析能力可以防止安全团队被情报数据淹没,从而忽略相关的威胁. They can continuously find, monitor, and mitigate risks that target an organization’s digital assets in real time.

DRP系统还应该能够通过高级调查和映射功能来简化工作流程,这些功能可以创建高度情境化的警报, freeing analysts from having to sift through noise. Businesses and security organizations are, after all, looking to drive forward underlying goals and broader initiatives; there is no way for an organization to pause its digital footprint from evolving.

Therefore, 一个有效的DRP平台还必须与安全组织和业务一起发展, 识别新的潜在攻击媒介,并预测网络及其系统的下一个暴露区域.

The Four Quadrants of Digital Risk Protection

DRP requires a multifaceted approach. The four quadrants outlined below combine to deliver effective DRP solutions.

Four Quadrants of Digital Risk Protection (DRP)


了解数字攻击面对于确定威胁行为者可能进行攻击的方式和位置至关重要. 这包括对数字资产的评估,并有助于为安全组织如何监控可疑威胁活动奠定基础. 


DRP solutions translate millions of data points into actionable business intelligence. This is accomplished with multidimensional threat analysis, digital footprint contextualization, and threat evolution tracking.




This refers to managing the DRP solution as well as implementing policies, additional threat research, human intelligence, enriching IOCs and prioritizing vulnerabilities.

Digital Risk Protection Use Cases

有效的DRP部署可以减轻安全负担,并使团队能够专注于基本的业务任务. 让我们看一下基于全面CTI的DRP如何使IT专业人员的工作更轻松的例子.

Phishing Detection

Phishing is the most common attack vector used by threat actors. Tracking phishing indicators – registered domains, mail exchange (MX) record changes, DNS信誉-使用DRP可以识别计划的网络钓鱼骗局,并使冒名顶替的域名和站点下线.

VIP and Executive Protection

Spear phishing that targets real users within organizations is prevalent. DRP can identify spoofing plans and secure the digital assets belonging to VIPs, executives, and other personnel.

Vulnerability Prioritization

The volume of security data CTI and DRP collect and analyze is always increasing. DRP使用智能算法自动筛选这些数据,并为安全团队优先考虑警报. Focus is centered on the most imminent and pressing threat indicators.

Dark Web Monitoring

Most malicious cyberattack planning and activity occur on the dark web. DRP solutions monitor all places where criminal activity is discussed and planned, making the process vital to identifying and mitigating threats.

Brand Protection

Brands are valuable. DRP monitors for domain spoofing and IP address spoofing by using a brand or close analogues. 取缔这些非法活动可以保护企业的IT系统及其声誉.

Fraud Protection

DRP monitors for illegal financial and sensitive data auctions. Valuable data is sold on the dark web for use in phishing and other attacks, which means monitoring for this activity is crucial.

Malicious App Identification

Threat actors are acutely aware that mobile apps are essential to modern business, 这就是为什么他们通过部署模仿真实应用的假应用来窃取消费者数据. DRP can monitor for and highlight these malicious mobile apps.

Automated Threat Mitigation

Rapid response to identified threats is imperative. 基于预定义标准的自动化响应为用户和数据提供了更好的安全性.

Leaked Credentials Monitoring

Stolen login and other access credentials are valuable assets for threat actors. DRP解决方案监视web上对泄漏凭据的引用,并在发现时向安全专业人员发出警报.

Sensitive Data Leakage Monitoring

Leaked data is also a valuable item for threat actors. DRP monitors for discussions about data breaches, 当在网上或暗网上发现任何与组织数据有关的引用时,它会发出警报. This is particularly helpful in large data breaches containing complex data sets.

Supply Chain Risk Protection

Most organizations have extensive physical and digital supply chains. DRP可以监视供应商使用的系统的引用,这样通过访问业务网络的可信但不知情的供应合作伙伴发生违规的可能性就会降低.

Digital Risk Protection Services

By finding a security-service provider to help manage a DRP program, 组织可以实现节省时间的好处,使分析人员能够专注于影响业务的更大的问题. But what should a security operations center (SOC) look for when searching for the right managed digital risk protection (MDRP) provider?

  • Analysis:手工和耗时的流程会影响安全人员的工作效率. 在暗网或基于web的Git存储库上花费数小时分析风险信号,可以很容易地转移到MDRP上,MDRP带来的专业知识可以更快地解决问题.
  • Partnership: After spending hours/days/weeks in the trenches, MDRP提供商应该能够带着清晰的、可操作的见解与客户分享,并就向前推进的计划进行合作.  
  • ROI: If an organization has landed on the right partner for their specific needs, ROI should likely follow in time. A regular retainer will, of course, go to the MDRP provider, but as efficiencies are created the service will likely pay for itself and then some. 
  • Risk comprehension:安全组织将获得对其风险概况的快速和前所未有的可见性,以及这可以给整个业务带来的好处, particularly as a provider helps mitigate threats like data leakage, stolen executive credentials, and securing brand reputation in the face of a threat.  
  • Business outcomes: Lastly, by assuming the weight of risk analysis and protection, MDRP提供商将能够帮助他们的客户在风险缓解方面采取更积极主动的立场. It isn’t enough to react in this modern threat environment; organizations must be proactive in increasingly intelligent ways.  

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